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Friday, July 4, 2008

Shipyard terminolgy

For a new worker in shipyard will find many terminology that maybe new for him. In this posting i would like to tell you about terminology you will find in shipyard.

  1. Aft ==> Toward, at, or near stern
  2. After Peak ==> ThePart in the narrow of the stern, aft of the last water-tight bulkhead.
  3. Forward ==> Near, at, or toward, the bow of the ship
  4. Port ==> Harbor; or opening in the side of a ship. The left hand side of a ship ( looking toward the bow.) Originally called larboard.
  5. Starboard ==> The right hand side of a ship, looking forward
  6. Bottom ==> The lowest part of ship.
  7. Deck ==> A part of a ship corresponding to the floor of a building
  8. Bulkhead ==> A vertical partition corresponding to the wall of a room, extending either athwart ships or fore and aft. A steel partition in a ship.
  9. Frames ==> Ribs forming the skeleton of a ship
  10. Web ==> Portion of a beam, the athwart ship portion of a frame, etc.
  11. Girder ==> Fore and aft stiffening member for deck or bottom shell
  12. Transom ==> The main frame at the rudder stock (cant frames usually radiate from the transom frame). The very last (most aft) plate on a welded vessel
  13. Tank Top ==> The plating over the double bottom
  14. Strong Back ==> A supporting girder for a hatch cover; a rig used in straightening bent plates; a bar for locking cargo ports.
  15. Stringer ==> A fore and aft member used to give longitudinal strength. Depending on location, these are called hold stringers, bilge stringers,side stringers, etc.
  16. Stiffener ==> An angle bar, T-bar, channel, etc., used to stiffen plating of a bulkhead or other member.
  17. Stern ==> The after or back end of a vessel
  18. Staging ==> Planks or scaffolding on which to stand when working on sides or under
  19. Bevel ==> The angle between the flanges of a frame or other member.(When greater than a right angle, open bevel; when less, closed.) Also,to chamfer.
  20. Bilge==> A fore and aft member fitted to the outside of the shell plating along the bilge, to prevent excessive rolling of the ship.
  21. Bow ==> The forward end of a vessel. (Usually the pointed end.)
  22. Bracket ==> A triangular plate used to connect rigidly two or more parts, such as a deck beam to a frame, a frame to a margin plate, etc.
  23. Bulwark ==> The ship's side above the weather deck.
  24. Chain Locker ==> A compartment in the forward portion of ship in which anchor chain is stowed.
  25. Collar ==> A flanged band or ring. A welded plate used to close a frame or beam penetration through plating.
  26. Deck-House ==> A shelter built on deck.
  27. Double bottom ==> Compartments at bottom of ship between inner and outer bottoms, used for ballast tanks, water, fuel,oil, etc.
  28. Flange ==> A part of a plate or shape at, or nearly at, right angles to main port; to bend over to form an angle.
  29. Gangway ==> A passageway, a ladder, or other means of boarding a ship.
  30. Hull ==> The body of a ship, including shell plating, framing, decks,bulkheads.
  31. Keel==> The principal fore and aft member of a ship's frame. The keel runs along the bottom, connecting the stem and stern, and to it are attached the frames of the ship.
  32. Lap==> A joint in which one part overlaps the other, thus avoiding the use of a butt strap; also, the amount of overlap.
  33. Longitudinal ==> A shell, deck, or bulkhead stiffener running fore and aft.
  34. Manhole ==> A hole cut in a bulkhead, tank top, etc., to allow the passage of a man.
  35. Mold Loft ==> A shed or building with large, smooth floor on which the lines of a ship can be drawn to full scale.
  36. Mould or Mold ==> A light pattern of a part of a ship usually made of thin wood or paper. Also called a template.
  37. Pillar ==> A vertical member or column which provides support to a deck girder. (Also termed a stanchion.).
  38. Loftsman ==> workman in the mold loft, who lays down ship lines and makes templates.
  39. Sea Chest ==> A compartment through which sea water is admitted or discharged.
  40. Seam ==> A riveted or welded plate edge connection. A riveted seam overlaps; welded seam may or may not overlap
  41. Template ==> A mold or pattern. Sometimes made of plywood or paper.
  42. Shell Expansion ==> A plan showing details of all shell plating and shell longitudinals. (Longitudinals would appear only on tankers)
  43. Welding ==> Fusing together two or more members with electric arc or by other means.
  44. Wheel ==> Nickname for propeller; steering gear control.
  45. Winch ==> A small hoisting device; used in pulling lines or cables in handling cargo. Can be hand, air motor, electric, steam, engine, etc...powered
  46. Sheer ==> Curvature of deck in a fore and aft direction as seen in profile.
  47. Seam ==> A riveted or welded plate edge connection. A riveted seam overlaps; welded seam may or may not overlap.
  48. Hatch ==> An opening in a deck for passage of cargo, etc
  49. Floor ==>The lower portion of a transverse frame, usually a vertical plate extending from center line to bilge, and from inner to outer bottom.
  50. Forecastle ==>The forward upper portion of the hull, sometimes used for the crew's quarters.
  51. Launching ==>The operation of placing a hull in the water by allowing it to slide down on greased skids, called launching ways.

    This terminology is always find in shipyard. Actually a loftsman or marker really need must to know about this terminology. But, if you are in shipyard will need a few month to familiar with this terminology. Don't worry you can do something because you always do.

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1 comment:

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